The Best Surprises | Chilliwack, BC Family Photographer

Surprising the kids with a visit from their best friends is always the best.  The screams of joy and excitement when they see each other is so worth the effort of trying to make sure they don’t know what’s going on.
Our friends were coming to BC for the week and to make sure that we got a good surprise in we decided to meet them when they were first driving through Chilliwack.  We met for milkshakes at around 8pm, I told the kids I had a craving and we headed out.  When we pulled into the Triple O’s parking lot, the kids quickly spotted their friends and they couldn’t get out of the car fast enough.
We spent some time catching up over milkshakes, and then we planned our other days to meet up.
We met again a few days later and spent two whole days together.  
First day we went for a nice hike and spent some time at the river, then dinner and a sleep over for the four bigger kiddos.  They were great sleepover guests, I was surprised everyone actually went to bed fairly easily, no 3AM craziness haha.
The following day we spent another day together, went to the corner store for some goodies, and I recreated a shot my friend took of the kids 4 years earlier, all sitting together on the curb of the store entrance.
Some more river exploring when my friend came back to pick up her kids and finally a long goodbye, they are hard when your besties have to leave to a whole other province and you won’t see them again for awhile.
It was such an awesome time together, we loved every second of our time with such amazing friends!

This post is part of a blog circle of photographers around the world. Each month we share a slice of our life through our documentary approach to photography called Our Documented Days. Next up is {Candice} so please follow your way around the circle and see what the other talented women have been up to. I’d love it if you left a comment behind on this month’s post.


Finally! The Renovation Before and Afters | Chilliwack, BC Photographer


Summertime Baths | Summer Nights | Chilliwack, BC Family Photographer