Bald Eagles | Vedder River | Chilliwack, BC Photographer

This past Thursday it was dry and sunny, we walked to school and on my way home I snapped a couple photos of birds in the sky and alpacas and goats staring and listening to a rooster; then once I got home I decided to go on a bike ride to the grocery store to pick up milk instead of driving, and I’m glad that I did because on my ride back home I noticed people stopped on the side of the trail looking onto the river.  I slowed down and had a peek, and I saw a bunch of bald eagles feasting on salmon.  I finished my ride home, quickly grabbed my camera and telephoto lens (70-300mm) and walked back to where the eagles were.  A few had had enough feasting and flew off to sit in the trees across the river, but a few were still left and stuck around for a good while for me to photograph.  It was such a great morning to sit, relax, watch and photograph these beautiful birds.  I think I sat on the river bank for a good half hour before the birds had had enough breakfast and all left to rest in the trees.
Later in the afternoon, after I picked the kids up from school, we headed back down to the same spot to see if the eagles were still there.  I wanted to show the kids but also to try a few more photos.  There were so many eagles around, on just the short walk back the kids counted 42 eagles in the trees, and along the river.  I snapped a few more photos before we headed home, the kids were too hungry to really be interested in watching the eagles with me.

December 2018 - 10 on 10 - Goodbye Lizard, AKA Hammy, AKA Taco | Hamster Funeral | Chilliwack, BC Family Photographer


Fishing and Exploring on the Vedder River | Vedder River | Chilliwack, BC Family Photographer