Our 52 Lifestyle Group | Week 22 Features | Upside Down | Chilliwack, BC Photographer

This week’s theme was Upside down, and it was a little bit fitting with everything that has been going on in the past months.   This year has made the world feel like it’s a little bit upside down sometimes, but I hope we are able to see the beauty of everything being turned a bit upside down, because I think things will be that much better when we feel right side up again.
Our members created some beautiful work this week, if you’re interested in joining us then head on over to our Facebook group and start sharing with us!
Now let’s get to all our beautiful features.

This week’s cover feature goes to Lola Vargas. I love the reflection and how it feels like it’s in the starry sky.


Our 52 Lifestyle Group | Week 23 Features | Negative Space | Chilliwack, BC Photographer


Our 52 Lifestyle Group | Week 21 Features | Silhouette | Chilliwack, BC Photographer