Our 52 Lifestyle Group | Week 21 Features | Silhouette | Chilliwack, BC Photographer

For week 21 our theme was Silhouette.  I LOVE silhouettes, they are one of my favourite types of photographs.  The dreamy colours when creating a silhouette outdoors with a beautiful sunset are always so stunning, and just a glimpse of the subject in the frame showcasing their profile, gorgeous!
Our members did such a beautiful job creating such stunning silhouettes.  Head on over to our Facebook group and come be inspired and share with us.  A new theme each Monday to inspire you to create.
Now, let’s get onto our features.

Our cover feature this week goes to Tess Davis. I just love the colours and the calmness of this whole scene, absolutely beautiful.


Our 52 Lifestyle Group | Week 22 Features | Upside Down | Chilliwack, BC Photographer


Our 52 Lifestyle Group | Week 20 Features | 3 Step Challenge | Chilliwack, BC Photographer