The Fletcher Family - At Home Documentary Session
Last month the Moms with a Camera Club (that I join on occasion when I plan accordingly) learned about Family Documentary Sessions, our homework was to spend an hour or two shooting our family or a family not our own in a documentary style/fashion. I pushed myself to step out of my comfort zone and asked a friend if I could spend a couple hours with her family one evening to capture them as they are on a week night. It was strange at first, for myself and everyone in the family, but I just followed everyone around and tried to capture what their family is about. I struggled with lighting a bit, it was super gloomy outside and got dark quick, plus all the extra indoor lights mixed in. But, in the end I had such an awesome time, it was a great experience. I'm glad I got over my nerves and asked my friend to do this session with her family. After the evening walk down to the river, before we headed back to their home we stopped and did a few family portraits as well.