Soon to be a Family of 5 | Golden Hour Maternity Session | Chilliwack, BC Family Photographer

This little family is so adorable. The boys have such beautiful eyes, they just sparkled in all the sunlight. Baby number 3 is on the way and we went out to capture some memories before this little one arrives.

The sunsets are pretty late this time of year and it sure gives off a beautiful glow. And it can be hard for little ones to miss their bedtime to get that gorgeous light, but these boys did so well. It’s worth it I tell you.

Sometimes toddlers come with slobbery little extra gifts, but those in between moments are part of the story too and they are just as beautiful.

And how adorable is big brother giving the best hugs to his little brother?


Welcome Baby M | Fresh 48 Session | Abbotsford Hospital | Abbotsford, BC Family Photographer


Beautiful Morning on the Vedder River | Vedder River | Chilliwack, BC Family Photographer