Our 52 Lifestyle Group | Week 6 Features | Show Me Love | Chilliwack, BC Photographer

Whether it’s a first love, true love or self love, each is worthy of documentation.  And what a perfect week to finish off Valentine’s for our Show me Love theme.  
I knew this week would bring many valentine themed ideas and many ways to show love so I had to make that our theme.  And all our members shared such beautiful images with us, I adore seeing each submission pop up on my newsfeed throughout the week.
Here are our week 6 features.

This week’s cover image goes to Sheryl Salisbury. I loved the story behind each of these unique rocks and the layout of this image, so beautiful.


Our 52 Lifestyle Group | Week 7 Features | Let's Get Close | Chilliwack, BC Photographer


Our 52 Lifestyle Group | Week 5 Features | Bold | Chilliwack, BC Photographer