Our 52 Lifestyle Group | Week 35 Features | What Moves Me | Chilliwack, BC Photographer

For many of us, our children, the beautiful evening light, and connections draw us to taking the photos that we love.  But have you ever really asked yourself what it is about the photos you take that really moves you?
Our members shared their beautiful images along with beautiful reasons for what really moves them.  All of us had similarities, but I loved hearing all those extra special reasons for why our members pick up their camera.
Every week it’s a difficult decision to narrow down my favourites and this week was no exception.
So without further ado, here are this week’s features!

This week’s cover feature goes to Hayden Piscal Howell. I love the perspective, the conversion and the connection between the subjects in this image. It just draws you right in.


Our 52 Lifestyle Group | Week 36 Features | Identity Crisis | Chilliwack, BC Photographer


Our 52 Lifestyle Group | Week 34 Features | iPhoneography | Chilliwack, BC Photographer