Our 52 Lifestyle Group | Week 32 & 33 Features | Free Weeks | Chilliwack, BC Photographer

Alrighty, now we are finally caught up on the weekly feature blog posts.  Back to our regular scheduled Monday features.
For the past two weeks we had freedom to share whatever we wanted so that I could get caught up from vacation mode.  
Our members shared awesome images and here are the features for the last two free weeks.
Check out all this awesomeness!

This week’s feature goes to Jill Wagner. This image stopped me in my scroll, I adore the mood, light, shadows and beautifully laid out petals. Absolutely stunning.


Our 52 Lifestyle Group | Week 34 Features | Minimalism | Chilliwack, BC Photographer


Our 52 Lifestyle Group | Week 31 Features | Lazy Days | Chilliwack, BC Photographer