Our 52 Group | Weeks 5 to 8 Features | 2024 P52 | Photography Community
So who is excited that the light is lasting so much longer in the evenings now? I definitely am, it’s so nice! Yay for spring.
As per usual, I’m a little behind on posting the features for weeks 5 to 8.
We had some beautiful shares over the last few weeks in our group and I ‘m excited to share what our members created for each theme. They make it hard to narrow it down to just a few favourites.
Since it’s late and I feel like I’m about to fall asleep at the keyboard, let’s get to our beautiful features from the last 4 weeks.
Week 5: In the Shadows

Week 6: Fill the Frame

Week 7: Red

Week 8: By the Window

If you’re ready to come join us on this weekly journey, head on over to our Facebook group and sign up. It’s a very easy going environment and you’ll get to enjoy all the beautiful work that our members share each week.