Our 52 Group | Weeks 37-40 Features | 2023 P52 | Photography Community
Alright, I know I’m behind and you’ve been waiting to see the monthly features so this week I’ll give you two blog posts to catch up.
I’m trying some new layouts with how to present each monthly features, so bare with me as I find the one that I feel fits right.
I bet everyone has been super busy, most people are in some form of busy season during these autumn months once September rolls around which always slows down our community shares but we still have lots of beautiful images to share. Everyone always creates such magic, I love when my Facebook feed is filled with our members sharing their images. If you’re interested in joining as for the remainder of the year, head on over to our Facebook group and join us, we’re starting on Week 47 today and we’ll be back at it with Week 1 starting in January 2024.
Here are our features for Week’s 37 to 40.
Week 37: Environmental Portraits

Week 38: What’s For Dinner?

Week 39: Out of this World

Week 40: Rim Light