Our 52 Group | Weeks 17 to 20 Features | 2024 P52 | Photography Community
I really can’t believe that we are on the very last week of May already. Seriously, how does time just fly by so fast? And as we pack up our house for the big moving day, the days seem to go even faster, making it feel like there isn’t enough time in the day to get it all done.
Did you know that you can jump in and join our P52 Group on Facebook any time. Even though we are part way through the year, don’t let it stop you from jumping in now and finishing off the year with us. Just head on over to our page here and come join us.
Now, for some beautiful work from our members for the last four weeks. Even though our numbers of people participating this far into the year does drop, everyone is busy with the school year end and summer break starting, but this group of talented artists still makes it hard to choose just a few features for each week.
Week 17: Self Portraits

Week 18: Look Up

Week 19: Bokeh, Bokeh, Bokeh

Week 20: Around Town