Our 52 Group | Weeks 21 - 24 Features | 2023 P52 | Photographer Community

Happy Wednesday.  Hopefully the week is treating you well so far.
 Have you thought about doing a project 52?  Well we always welcome new people joining in part way through the weeks, so if you’re interested in joining our little community of artists and would love to take part in a Project 52, head on over to our Facebook page and join us.  Each Monday I post a theme for the week and everyone has until Sunday evening to post an image with however they interpreted that theme for the week.  One image a week for 52 weeks.  It’s a great way to create weekly and practice your skills, or just have fun and create.
And here we have our features for weeks 21 to 24, which makes us all caught up on blogging! Now scroll through and check out all the beautiful images everyone created.

Week 21: Shadows

Week 22: Scenic

Week 23: Framed

Week 24: Self Portrait


Our 52 Group | Weeks 25 - 28 Features | 2023 P52 | Photographer Community


Our 52 Group | Weeks 17 - 20 Features | 2023 P52 | Photographer Community